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To Do List Template

How Cloud Drive Devices and a To Do List Template Can Save You Stress If you were expecting a napkin, dog-eared notepad, or tattered checklist that’s been through the laundry, think again.  A real, well-designed to do list template can

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Interview Tricks

6 Interview Tricks to Get You Past Round 1 Let’s take a minute to salute the student leaders who have gone out before us into the real world to start their careers.  It’s tough out there for new graduates, so

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How to Achieve Your SMART Goal with Smart Delegation It would be nice if simply setting a SMART goal meant instant success.  But the reality is you and your student organization need to follow up on every SMART goal you

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Socially Awkward

4 Solutions for When You Feel Socially Awkward Everybody’s human, and thus everybody has some particular moment or scenario that can let the butterflies loose in their stomach.  For some, it’s crowded public places like a bar or concert venue. 

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Awkward Questions

Why Direct Communication Matters One of the first challenges you’ll face as a college student is learning how to be effective in communicating with others.  Early on, this means asking awkward questions.

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