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To Do List Template

How Cloud Drive Devices and a To Do List Template Can Save You Stress If you were expecting a napkin, dog-eared notepad, or tattered checklist that’s been through the laundry, think again.  A real, well-designed to do list template can

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SMART Goal Examples

SMART Goal Examples to Guide Your Goal-Setting The SMART goals system is an easy resource for creating thoughtful goals and testing the merits of existing ones.  Here are some SMART goal examples that will help you unlock the full power

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College Speakers

8 Tips for Staging Events with College Speakers Inviting college speakers is something many student organizations are familiar with.  In fact, your first experience with your own student organization might very well have been coming out and seeing some college

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How Leadership Influences Student Learning

5 Ways Leadership Makes You Smarter It shouldn’t surprise us, when we look at how leadership influences student learning, that we find a correlation between leadership and high academic performance.  Some people just seem to have it all, and we

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How to Lead

5 Tips for How to Lead Your Student Organization Whether you’re moving up in your organization and want to know how to lead, or you’ve been a leader for a while but still feel unsure about how to lead the

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College Events Ideas

11 Events That Will Electrify Your Campus Campuses can be busy places, and amid the constant rush of college events ideas can be hard to come by, especially college events ideas that are original, exciting, and that will keep your

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Elevator Speech

How to Turn Listeners into Supporters An elevator speech is a short and simple pitch for an idea.  The goal with an elevator speech is to grab a listener’s attention and convert that attention into action—all in a very short

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College Clubs

Your Guide to the Finding the Right College Club This summer, many incoming freshmen will visit their campus for orientation, and most will hear about their campus’ college clubs for the first time.  Then, in the fall, the freshmen will

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